Monday, June 18, 2007

Career QUENCH - Be Dispensable (I Need a JOB)

Don't kid yourself - YOU are dispensable. While it may be uncomfortable to read "The world will go on without you", it's important to understand that this is the cold, harsh reality of business. Keep in mind that the same can be said of most companies. Another company is always ready and willing to fill the void left by a competitor.

If you are the only person who can do your job, you put the company at great risk. The company must be able to provide their product or service with or without you. A company will not jeopardize it's future for, or because of, YOU.

Is your career based on what YOU have to offer - Your Skills - Your Abilities? Or, are you defined by the company that ultimately pays you for your skills and services? Are you really in control of your future? Most of us in the "modern" world attempt to design our careers and training based on what companies are looking for.

If someone else is cutting your pay cheque, I think the answer to the last question has to be NO. If a company could consider any one of it's employees to be dispensable, isn't it about time that employees also consider that their company may be dispensable? Read the papers, listen to the news. How many companies have folded or closed, many without even telling their employees? Many don't find out until the very day it actually happens.

If you ever needed a reason to start your own business, this may just be the one. The risk to you and your family is greatly reduced when you have multiple income streams. In other words, the stress of losing a job or even maintaining a high profile career is greatly reduced when you can claim financial independence from one SINGLE SOURCE of income.

Too many people go to school, study, join the workforce, gain experience, then spend the next 40 - 50 years of their life hoping that they will be gainfully employed. Why do so many people "hope" they get the job of their dreams? The answer is simple, their hopes and dreams are shaped by what "they think" the company wants, not what they themselves have to offer.

Multiple sources of income, no matter how you acquire them, is the only way to reduce the "hold" that most companies place on their "most valuable" employees.

Donald Trump has no problem saying, "Your Fired". Why? Donald Trump is looking for an apprentice to oversee an area of business that does not yet exist. The people being "FIRED" aren't actual employees of the Trump corporation and their termination is not jeopardizing any current business within the organization.

It's all about PROFIT. If the company is losing money, they will make the changes necessary to ensure the bottom line is not jeopardized.

I highly recommend starting YOUR own business to at least give you options. Start up when you don't need the extra money. When the money does start rolling in, at least you will have the option of deciding your next move. BEFORE the company you're working for today makes that decision for you.

Do you want to FIRE YOUR BOSS? Click HERE to Find Out HOW.

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